Dutch Modular Fest

Visual Identity for the Dutch Modular Fest 2018, a festival in The Hague (NL) which focusses on modular synthesis. Featuring a three days programme with musicians, art, makers and workshops.

ROLE Graphic Design / Art direction / Social Media / PR / Funding / Planning and Budget

CLIENT Dutch Modular Fest Foundation

YEAR 2018


The identity is inspired by old tv test patterns. Using standard Illustrator patterns, heavily enlarged and pushing the boundaries of the program.

Artists post: Das Ding
Lectures: Intro to patching

Several assets for the website and social media.

Each part of the programme has its own colourway. Based on Riso colours.

Makers: Soulsby
Artsound: Mariska de Groot
Workshop: Koma Elektronik
T-shirt designs for the volunteers and sold to the public
Program booklet
Program booklet cover
Program booklet inside

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